About Us
Gordon's Goat Dairy and Cheese Plant

Why we went from just farming
to making cheese
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~scroll down for videos~

We both were raised on small family farms and we raised our children with the same lifestyle and principles.
We enjoyed the wonderful health benefits of consuming farm fresh products and felt lead by God to share that with others.
We were already looking at options to make our little goat farm profitable.
Turning our raw goats milk into into a finished product seemed to be the answer.
Gordon then began experimenting in our kitchen perfecting and tweaking recipes as goat milk reacts differently than cow.
Our friends and neighbors loved it and agreed we should sell it.
Over the years, Gordon has been fine tuning and adding to his recipes collection
We now have 15 kinds of cheese plus yogurt, kefir, and milk.
To keep our girls in good health we feed them mineral , whey and all NON GMO CROPS grown on our land and access to the great outdoors.
Healthy content goats, small batches of milk , low temperature pasteurization. All important factors in making exceptional fresh tasting goats milk products .
This leaves a live product that ages naturally.
Goat milk has digestible A2 protein and naturally homogenized
We use vegetable rennet and natural Annatto (plant) as color .
Meet The Team
email: gordonsgoatcheese@gmail.com

Gordon & Bethany Edgar
Owners of Gordon's Goat Dairy & Master Cheese Makers

Jeremy Edgar
Production Manager
Herds man and field specialist and resident mechanic

Resident Goat Herder and Farm Assistant

Web Designer & Social Media Manager